How to do the pesticide storage safely?

How to do the pesticide storage safely?

One of the most important factors that a company must consider when it comes to the almacenamiento de plaguicidas is safety. This can be done by limiting the amount of chemicals that are stored and only allowing those who are trained to use them. An environment must be carefully evaluated to see if it is suitable for storing or handling pesticides. In addition to the potential hazards associated with spills, fires, and contaminated runoff, the facility should also be thoroughly checked to see if it can withstand the effects of pests. The Board of Fire Prevention suggests that only first-story rooms should be used for storing pesticides.

The environment should be at least four hundred feet from any source of drinking water, and it should be at least two hundred feet from surface water. In areas with fractured bedrock or sandy soil, the separation should be greater. It should be avoided areas prone to flooding. The facility should be located away from the flood plain, and the runoff should be diverted away from the neighboring areas. The area should also be free from direct sunlight, extremely hot temperatures, and freezing temperatures.

Almacenamiento de plaguicidas

Ways to safely store the pesticides

Of course, the storing pesticides safely are very essential to safeguard pets, people, as well as environment. The following are ways to store the pesticides safely:

  • Follow the entire storage instructions given on a pesticide label
  • Do not build up stocks. You can purchase only the quantity of pesticide you will require in a little while.
  • You must always store the pesticides in their original containers with the ingredients and first aid steps in case of unintended poisoning.

Handling of pesticide storage

The storage and handling of pesticides are regulated by the Federal Insecticide, Rodenticide, and Fungicide Act. These substances are considered hazardous waste when properly disposed of. In the case of poor or improper handling and storage of pesticides, it can threaten the environment’s integrity and health. Inappropriate storage conditions can lead to the degradation of soil, groundwater, and surface water. It is important to note that the needs of different sites and situations will vary. The goal of these recommendations is to help users minimize the risks associated with the almacenamiento de plaguicidas and handling of pesticides. They also help prevent exposure to these chemicals by conducting their operations in a safe and environmentally-friendly manner. They do not constitute regulations and are not being enforced by any government agency.